Forging Strong Communities

Beyond building homes, HDB also focused on strengthening community bonds and igniting the spirit of community involvement and ownership, all with the aim of building active, thriving communities in our towns.

Encouraging Community Participation and Ownership

Heartlanders gather at Kampung Admiralty to celebrate National Day together

HDB towns are planned and designed with a wide variety of community spaces for social interaction and bonding among the community, such as the Town and Community Plazas at Bedok, Punggol, Kampung Admiralty, and Yishun. This FY alone, 493 events were organised at these plazas, bringing together over 227,000 residents.

As part of efforts to spur ground-up participation amongst residents in enlivening their community spaces, HDB doubled the funding cap for building projects under the HDB Friendly Faces, Lively Places (FFLP) Fund from $10,000 to $20,000. The fund was also made available to shopkeepers, so that they too can carry out community bonding activities in their neighbourhoods and help shape the towns’ character and vibrancy.

Since the launch of the $500,000 fund in May 2016, about $360,000 has been disbursed or committed.

Our Friends of Our Heartlands (FOH) network, launched in May 2017, continued to grow as we opened up more volunteering opportunities for residents to deepen their involvement and capabilities. To date, the network has an active volunteer base of more than 3,300 residents who contribute in various ways to improving their living environment and creating friendly and lively neighbourhoods. In recognition of their contributions, we held the inaugural FOH Learning Exchange and Appreciation Ceremony in tandem with Community Week this year, providing a platform for professionals and volunteers to inspire others through sharing about their volunteering journey and experiences.

HDB towns are designed with common social spaces for residents to interact and bond